Wednesday, September 25, 2013

In Google's robo-taxi scenario, the vehicles would pick up passengers on demand. Google believes that such systems could potentially reduce the need for people to own cars and reduce accidents. Whether Google would try to operate such services on its own, as a spin-off or subsidiary company is unclear.

Batman Audi
Batman Audi
In Google's robo-taxi scenario, the vehicles would pick up passengers on demand. Google believes that such systems could potentially reduce the need for people to own cars and reduce accidents. Whether Google would try to operate such services on its own, as a spin-off or subsidiary company is unclear.
In Google's robo-taxi scenario, the vehicles would pick up passengers on demand. Google believes that such systems could potentially reduce the need for people to own cars and reduce accidents. Whether Google would try to operate such services on its own, as a spin-off or subsidiary company is unclear.

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